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When a participant is on hold in a meeting, their info is still included for this period of time in attendance report. If someone waits in the lobby and doesn't get admitted to the meeting, they won't be included in the report. You can go to the Attendance tab in the Teams calendar invite for all channel meeting attendance reports. Get presentations, email templates, tips & tricks, quick-start guides, and posters that you can use to get the most out of Microsoft Teams in your organization.

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CloseDirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. If a channel meeting is in progress and someone starts a second meeting within the same channel conversation, an attendance report will be available only for the second meeting. Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. The report does not currently include view-only attendees. The post-meeting report will contain the full list.

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In meetings with more than 120 participants, the attendance report that's available during the meeting will only include a partial list of attendees. To view the attendance reports for meetings created in channels, click the three dots icon > View meeting details then navigate to the Attendance tab. You can also view attendance information in the Attendance tab in the meeting or webinar chats: Note: For recurring meetings, you'll receive a unique attendance report after each occurrence.

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